Thursday, May 13, 2010

Justin's Bday!

We went to Brad and Katie's the other night for Justin's bday. So much fun to get together with family! Nolen LOVES his cousins!

Donuts and Skippo

Me after my donuts
Sue after her donuts

Gma after her donuts

Whenever Aunt Sue comes down to visit we (gma, sue, owen and i) ALWAYS play Skippo. It's tradition and well its INTENSE at times. Sue and I laugh and get a little loopy while Gma gets in a mood not a lot see- fiesty and hilarious- and my husband gets ANGRY if he is loosing but changes his mood dramatically if he wins to a very PROUD and HAPPY mood. Needless to say- its fun to play together...
We added a kick to our game the other night. DONUTS. oh geez. A whole DOZEN of them. Adding donuts to the game just made it that much more crazy.

*And Mark- I did record on camera a game of us playing the other night- you will have to watch it sometime--pretty funny!

Great Grandma

Nolen LOVES his Great Grandma Nolte! We are so lucky to live so close to her. I really see a sweet bond between the two of them. He just BEAMS when he is with her.