Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

S.D. visit and Thanksgiving

Aunt Sandy and Nolen

Handsome Will
Uncle Mark
Itty Bitty starfish!
These are just some pictures from when Nanna and Uncle Mark came to visit us in San Diego! Nolen and I went up to Utah for Thanksgiving and had soooo much fun. I LOVE the holidays in Utah- cold and crisp and just lovely. Nolen had sooo much fun with his cousin Will and all the attention from his Nanna and Papa.
*Thanks to Grandma Karen for the ADORABLE sweater and beenie!

9 months!

Dr. Varma told me today that I need to:

"get Nolen into see Dr. Meltzer again for another recomendation for his head- It just doesn't look right, Do you see how his left ear is curled more than the other because of his bone?,You need to fight this, You need to definetly have this taken care of ASAP, He just doesn't look right"

"He's not crawling? Don't put him in his bouncer anymore- you shouldn't do that- you are making it too easy for him- dont. MAKE him crawl- he NEEDS to crawl- you really shouldn't be making it easy for him"

"I'm not happy about his weight. He should weigh more. Do you feed him enough? Do you breastfeed? Give him formula. Come back in a month- he is not at a good weight"


I think I am a good mom. Sure, his head is big and uneven-so what? Everyone stops to tell me how cute he is wherever we go. Sure, he needs to crawl- he will. And sure he may be underweight- but you know what??? He's healthly and happy!!

And my boy is 9 months old today. I love him. I didn't love him so much this afternoon when he was a "baby" at the doctor's office- my wonderful husband took him away for some "daddy/son" time and for me to have a break. wonderful.

Nolen brightens my day-EVERYDAY.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Seeing as though Thanksgiving is just around the corner and knowing that I most likely won't blog while I am in Utah I thought I would just share with you bloggers what I am most ThANkFul for. (in no particular order)

-an apartment- even though it's tiny- its a roof over our heads

-WIC- Women Infant Children program

-green machine cadilac to get Nolen and I around this town

-San Diego- all of the many BEutiFuL places to visit

-my ward- gReAt people and friends who all support each other

-The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints- met a girl who is not a member a few weeks ago at playgroup- she has come since and is sooo sweet. She asked what church I belong to- I said " the LDS church" she had a puzzled face on her then I said" the Mormon church" then of course it clicked-anyway my point being I think she really likes to be around all the SwEEt girls who come and feels welcomed...nice church.

-Ensign- soooo many UPlifTiNG messages that make me want to do better!

-Mormon Messages found on my new favorite...

-NieNie and her everyday stories of inspiration - go to my sidebar "I read NieNie"

-The Office- brings laughter into my life

-the internet and how it can bring friends from the past back in my view! and also a way to keep in touch with family from everywhere!

-FAMILY- i for some reason was blessed with the most amazing FAMILY- a mom and dad who LOVE eachother soooo much and 5 brothers who LOVE their wives soooo much and their children. and my in-laws- all sooooo wonderful

-a SMILING happy boy who brightens my day every day-(even though his whiny/crying moments drive me NUTS at times!!!!)

-a HEalThY family


-A determined, hardworking, giving husband who tries so hard each and every day to make ends meet for us....soooooo thankful for him



Friday, October 23, 2009


Nolen and his friend Elliot
Pumpkin head

Serious Nolen
Papa Nolte
Great Grandma Nolte- the classy beautiful woman who can put my baby to sleep.
These kids are sooo big now!
Uncle Brad and Uncle John lovin my boy!

I know these pictures jump from one thing to another. But they all have to do with one thing- Fall! Fall football game- BYU vs. SDSU....which I now have learned to NEVER take a baby under a year old to a football worst thing I have ever done to my baby. Papa Nolte of course was in town for work and the game- which allowed us to see him! Nolen LOVES his Papa Nolte and Great Grandma Nolte! We are so lucky to live so close to her:) And then recently some friends and I went to Nates Butt Farm. Excuse me...Bates Nut Farm! What better way to enjoy the once in a while Fallish weather here in San Diego? Nolen LOVED the hay. So great.
Happy Fall to all!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Crafy me- first one as a wife and mom...

Welcome FALL! I am sooo excited for the next season to begin:) This craft took me a while and I am so glad I did it- thanks to my mom for suggesting it!

Mr. Bucket-head

Friday, September 25, 2009


Found some old pictures of us.


These last 2 pics are from the day he graduated from getting his helmet off! He did so well with the bandit sock on his head for pictures:)

Monday, September 7, 2009

6 MONTHS!!!!!!

That's our boy! Nolen brings us sooooo much happiness and joy into our lives! I love being his mommy and watching him grow every day- I am so blessed!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Helmet head and REUNION!

Nolen is doing GREAT with the helmet! He is very used to it and that makes life a lot better:) I have to say my brother Matt did an EXCELLENT job on decorating his helmet while in Utah- he made a sweet dinosaur which unfortunetly rubbed off over night...thus the stickers. I put animal stickers all over the back of it. It's pretty cute! We had sooo much fun at Mom and Dad's home-so fun to be with everyone and Owen finally got to meet Grandma and Grandpa Nothum! It was a blast and THANK YOU Mom and Dad for making it happen!!