Monday, August 30, 2010

enough already!

hi there! still alive- yes. just not in the posting mood lately as you can see:) and this one wont even come w/ pictures- sorry! i will get to pictures soon enogh...maybe. but anyway- most of you know by now and if you dont you will NOW- im pregnant- 17 weeks to be exact! wahoo! i look like im 28 weeks pregnant already-probably why there wont be any week by week photos of me...hehe. anyway we are thrilled. i had AWFUL morning sickness and it finally started to go away around week 15 but all of a sudden it surprised me last night- sick as a dog again. what the crap??? other than feeling like i just want to sleep this pregnancy off things are well! like i say- hopefully there will be more posts to come with pictures very soon- cuz we have had a great summer thus far!


Allison said...

YEA! What exciting news. Can't wait to hear updates when you know the gender. And stinky that you've been sick. Anyway---congratulations!

Ashley said...

Oh my goodness, Juls I had no idea. CONGRATS. But not on the sickness part. I don't know how you do it with Nolen running around ;) Oh I hope it goes away for good, like last night. I love Gavin to pieces, but the thought of getting pregnant anytime soon makes me get hives I think. You're supermom/superwife/superwoman. And I'm supercheesy, but I mean it. I can't wait to see just how cute this little Snead is - because heaven knows Nolen is adorable and you and Owen Dewey ;) Make amazing parents!!!

Love & Miss you!!

Kadie said...

Congrat Juls! That's awesome! You're already almost halfway done! I agree with Ash, I don't know how you could handle morning sickness with how young Nolen is! But I'm sure he'll love having a younger sibling! Congrats again!

Cristine Garrison said...

congratulations juls!!!!! (i'd tell owen congrats too, but i've never met the guy and frankly think this is all some sort of immaculate conception :) ha.

Allyson said...

Well congrats!! That's so exciting! Have you tried the wrist bands they have for nausea? My friend (pregnant with twins) told me they work great!

B. Fidler said...

Man! I miss out on so many things when I don't keep up on my blog-surfing. Conrats on the pregnancy! How exciting! It sounds like you and Jackie are due around the same time. How exciting! I'm sure #2 will be just as stinkin' cute as Nolan!